16 December, 2014

L'Oreal Intenza Butterfly Mascara || Review / First Impression

Mascaras are one product that I can't seem to live without...I can live without certain makeup products but mascara isn't one of them, so when L'Oreal came out with their second version of the butterfly mascara you bet I was on that wagon. The company promised that with this mascara you can achieve the winged out effect on the outer edges of your eye lashes but sorry to say that I didn't achieve that winged out effect...even though I tried....I can definitely say I did get that winged out lashes with the first version but not with this one. Overall this mascara is still good because I did get a lot of volume on my lashes but just not what they promised....that's why on a scale of 1 to 10 I rated this mascara a 6.5 and I rated the original a 9.


02 December, 2014

Get Ready With Me | Wedding Edition

So here's a few photos of us before we took off to attend my cousins' wedding....I had filmed this video a few days before we left heading to Florida. I really had a nice time at this wedding, but what made it even more special was my little one was the flower girl...when I saw her walking down the isle I got so emotional just looking at her sprinkling the flower petals...but which parent wouldn't get emotional.

My dress || Urban Planet, Shoes || The Shoe Company



13 November, 2014

Haul | Sephora / Victoria Secret / Chapters / Wal-Mart

Hi guys so I'm finally back with another video but this time it's a Haul....I like shopping for new items but I hate paying for them....does anyone ever feel like that...or is it just me....This haul is a collective haul, I've been gone for about 6 months and while I was busy doing other things I was also shopping a little...and traveling, but now I really hope to get back to doing what I really love...MAKEUP...

So when I found out that Michelle Phan is coming out with a book I was totally excited....couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy. I went on a book hunt just to find this book...my local Indigo book store didn't have it but the sales associate told me that they have 16 copies of it at Chapters, so I rushed down there just to purchase my copy. So I finally got mines but when I started to read its contents I was a bit disappointed. I must say at the beginning of it she gave us a little insight of her years growing up as a child and then into a teenager but then when she started talking about makeup it was basically everything that she talked about in her past youtube videos....so overall I technically didn't need this book at all, but nonetheless it's a good book just to keep....
On to my beauty products.... Victoria Secret recently came out with their Shampoo and Conditioner line which I must say is a very good line, at my Victoria Secret store they had three sets of shampoos and conditioners 1-Ultra Nourishing Shampoo and Conditioner 2-Major Shine Shampoo and Conditioner 3-Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner...I decided just to mix them up and purchase not the sets but one from each....I totally love the smell of these products...
So Urban Decay did it again...love their new VICE3 palette, I must admit I do not own the first Vice palette but I do own the VICE2 and now the VICE3...can't wait to start playing with these colors.      

Anyway guys I hope you really enjoyed my haul video and I hope to see you soon in my next video.

25 September, 2014

Fall Plaid

Ok guys so I have a love hate relationship with fall. I love that you get to dress up a little bit more, start pulling out your fall boots, the air is a lot more crisp (good for breathing), the nights are a lot more cooler (good for sleeping) but when it starts to get colder that's when I start dreading fall because I know winter is around the corner and I have to start pulling out my heavier coats and boots, besides that I'm never warm. So this look was inspired by Fall, the plaid shirt is trending right now actually everywhere, almost every store you look at has some form of plaid going on. I know it's not specifically an entire new trend because plaid seems to be out at the beginning of fall every year, but for some reason this year is an exception.....(here we go I'm straying from the topic.. I know this because I purchased a beautiful but simple plaid short/mini dress from Guess years and years ago...I remembered wearing it to see JLo an Enrique (my boyfriend) in concert when they came to Toronto about two summers ago but I actually had it longer than that but just really had no where to wear it until the concert. I'll actually be wearing that dress again soon in an upcoming event in October and I think I might take some photos of it for the blog.... we'll see...).

So this look is pretty simple, as you all know by now (from my instagram) I live in denim. It's the casual looks that I love the most. It's easy and fast to put together so I thought that if I layered this army green vest over the plaid shirt it'll complete this look and it did for me. Don't be afraid to layer your clothing, if it doesn't work you can just take it off and try something else that might just do the job. I love this particular vest because it has that lace detail at the bottom of the vest which makes it a bit girlie for me and best of all this shirt is so so  soft, it's 100% Rayon (no ironing needed).

Plaid Shirt : Garage || Vest : Target || Watch : Guess || Hand Band : Stella & Dot

Boots : Aldo (I've had this for years but you can find lots of them out there)

23 September, 2014

Last Summer OOTD...

So now that the summer is all gone I had to get just one last outfit in. I like wearing shorts but they have to be the right length for me...I'm not a short shorts type of gal...you get me right...I don't like when my butt cheeks is hanging out I personally don't think that's attractive. I need to have at least 3-4 inches of fabric past my butt cheeks and when I tried these on at Forever 21 I just had to get them immediately, there was no way I was leaving these behind because every time I would see a shorts they would be way too short for me. Anyway I think shorts are a staple for every one when the hot weather comes around(who doesn't own a pair of shorts in their closet). Simple pieces are also a must for the hot weather but since it was coming closer to the end of summer I needed a little cardigan and this cardigan just spelled my name. It's a light airy cardigan and the whole back is of the same lace detail on the shoulder...perfect right...So now that summer is over lets take on fall....

Cardigan: Urban Planet || Tank: Old || Shorts and Necklace: Forever 21|| Sunglasses: Betsy Johnson

Hand Bands: Stella and Dot and Kate Spade

Shoes are from Forever 21 (old)

16 September, 2014

Yet Another Denim Post

Ok so by now I think everyone knows that I practically live in denim...who doesn't...right...I love to pair up my denim with different bottoms or vice versa...you got me....I had this skirt a while now but never bothered using it. I knew in my mind how I wanted to style this but just didn't come around to actually styling it. When it comes to denim shirts there's basically no rule. It's an item that's pretty simple to style...no brainer....since the top and bottom is plain or bland I decided to throw in a pop of color with my shoes. My style is pretty simple and cheap, I like dressing in affordable pieces (not saying that I don't splurge sometimes on other brand name pieces) and these looks that I blog about are very affordable for pretty much everyone.

Shirt : American Eagle, Skirt and Bangle : Forever 21, Belt : Garage Clothing, Wrap around Watch : Winners (Guess)
Shoes : Winners (Steve Madden)

07 September, 2014


Hi guys, I'm finally back after how long.....yah I know I'm slacking on my post but good enough explanation. So after my last post my kids were off from school and I thought to myself....ok good...now I have more time to go places to take photos for the blog and my photographer (my daughter) will be readily available to take photos and we can go different location to take some really beautiful photos and not have the same background all the time, but unexpectedly my kids wanted to go on vacation back to Trinidad (where I'm from) for the summer holidays, I really wasn't too excited nor did I really wanted to go because we have a wedding coming in October and instead of spending that money to go back home we can use it towards the tickets to go to the wedding, but instead we went on vacation and hence a big gap in my blog (if you follow me on my instagram http://instagram.com/2402shell you will know where I'm at). Anyways....so now that we're back home and my kids are back to school it's time for me to stop slacking and get cracking (nice one, right)...so here's just a few photos of my vacation. I didn't take much photos this time because it seems the photos are basically the same each and every time we go back home...so I hope you enjoy what little I have for now and hope to get back to posting real soon, so the first few photos are at the lookout overlooking Maracas Bay. All visitors and tourist to Trinidad must visit this beach and also try out the most eaten Bake and Shark. Then as usual there's always a wedding to attend. The last few photos are on the air plane leaving Trinidad after a month long vacation heading back to Canada....

Here I'm at Tyrico Bay sporting my Victoria Secret beach coverup....

01 July, 2014

Canada Day!!!!!

To all my fellow Canadians as we all know today was Canadas' Birthday so in my humble way I would like to say that I'm very appreciative of being a Canadian. As many Canadians did today we all celebrated in many ways. With that said I would love to share with you all what I wore today. I do like to stay comfy at all times during these hot days but at the same time I do like to be a bit stylish...so enjoy....


Top:Sirens , Pants:Gap, Sandals:Sam Edelman , Sunglasses:Franco Sarto