22 September, 2013

Last of the lovely summer days....

I for one love summer but there's not enough of summer for me, in the summer I can wear clothes that is more me, a lot more colorful, less clothes ( less fabric) etc....but since this summer I wasn't here to enjoy summer I guess I just had to make one last summer outfit in before summer was actually over but in these photos it's not really a summer outfit it looks more like a fall outfit so here I'm wearing :
Denim Jacket : Old Navy
White Shirt    : H & M
Pants              : Forever 21
Shoes             : Target
Bag                :  Jessica Simpson ( Winners)
Wrap around watch : Guess ( Winners)
Hammered Cuff      : Express

hope you guys enjoy my fashion blog.

here you can see I'm cold, there was a cool breeze in the air already

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